Emperor Palpatine is another fun one that can be terrifying to face since his electric abilities can easily kill multiple soldiers at once.

Not only does this give him an advantage, but it allows you to maximize his explosive damage. This Star Card combination focuses almost entirely on keeping the bounty hunter in the air. Looking over this list, one of our favorite builds is for the wildly popular Boba Fett. Mainly because these two hero archetypes never intersect, so don’t expect to cut down the Millennium Falcon with Darth Vader, as cool as that would be. We will also be breaking these up between heroes on the ground and those in starships. Our picks are based on their battle effectiveness, how much they fit in with the general playstyle of that hero, and if they synergize well with a hero’s abilities. This is not for those who exclusively play the more competitive Heroes vs Villains, as those typically focus on one on one duels. When deciding on what Star Cards to pick, we focused on ones that would benefit players in general, bigger game modes like Supremacy or Galactic Assault. However, picking the best Star Cards for each hero can be tricky since there are quite a lot of combinations you can make. Just like the core classes, heroes have various Star Cards that give them passive buffs or slight alterations to their skills. A single hero can turn the tied of an entire match if used correctly, which makes them some of the most important units in any PvP mode. All of the heroes possess unique abilities that give them a distinct edge on the battlefield. Ranging from the cowardly General Grevious to the smooth-talking Lando Calrissian to pajama-wearing Count Dooku. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 lets you play as the iconic heroes and villains from the three different eras.